(and, hey, if you want to add to any of my older pass-on stories, the convenient tag is right there--please leave an OOC note here if ya do, though, so I know to look)
edit: son of datebump edit: grandson of date-bump, others available through tag.
I'm hoping *one* of these will go somewhere instead of fizzling out after about 10 exchanges. Feel free to check the tags and add to one of the older ones, too, if you get any inspiration. As usual, continue the story in comments.
"But, who's going to tame the riding squirrels if you leave?" she asked plaintively.
As per challenge issued here. Usual pass-on story rules (continue the story in comments, keep it to relatively short segments; this is a lot longer than a typical pass-on story segment, but I needed it to match the challenge). Bonus points if you can work in more of the story prompts.
'm going to try to start another pass-on story Usual rules: type, in a comment, a continuation of the existing story, no more than a few sentences.
"So. Are you going to *tell* me where we're going, or are you just messing with my head?" "But it's supposed to be a *surprise*!" "The problem with that is, I'm *driving*."